Why subscribe to this free publication?

When you pay really close attention to this question…

why do you experience life as you do?

…it helps you find new answers to many others.

Questions about mental ill health, for instance, your relationships with yourself and those you care about, the cultures we co-create in workplaces and families, the way we handle differences, and the kind of societies, products and services we design and build.

Helpful questions have good intentions. They get to the heart of the matter. When the status quo is tricky and change, be it forced on us or self-initiated, necessitates we step into the unknown, they guide us. Even when answers are not yet clear, they can evoke wonder, inquiry, and new possibilities. If we let them, they bring out our potential to weaken doubts, reconfigure how we think about things, transform our perspective, and change lives for the better. 

Helpful Questions Change Lives (HQCL) is for you if you’re curious about how your experience forms and want to be in an inner life you feel more at ease with. It invites you to consider what looks true to you at any moment, even when your experience feels concerning and worrying.

Each post is free.

For one simple reason: I don’t want money to stand in the way of you uncovering that hidden potential, which is already within you, to keep learning and adapting no matter what comes your way in life.

That said, some wish to financially support my work. If what you find here helps you, personally, as well as those you care about, you can choose to become a paid subscriber. Doing this will boost me and encourage me to produce more content for sure. It will also be received gratefully; as I will assume I have fellow travellers on the road to making this world a better place!

Expect upwards of 25 posts a year, each inquiring into questions that help you, me and the rest of we humans explore how we make sense of different aspects of our lives.

Free and paid subscribers get the same content. The latter encourage me to do more, but please only be one if your finances are comfortable. Thanks!

About me

Hi, my name is Roger and you’re very welcome to HQCL.

I’m one of those humans who used to get depressed but doesn’t to the same degree any longer.

I’ve been a student of what works and what doesn’t when it comes to helping myself and others make sense of our lives for well over 30 years now. As a coach, consultant, sounding board, critical friend, and facilitator, I’ve learnt about why our experience unfolds as it does - good and bad, up and down - from colleagues, leaders and their teams, mentors, family members, and wise thinkers alike.

I’m here to share what makes sense to me, given this path. Not so that you’ll follow me, and do as I do or say; on the contrary. More to help you look at your own life experiences through different lenses and make up your own mind about what does and doesn’t seem helpful to you.

Thanks for being here.

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Subscribe to Helpful Questions Change Lives

This question - why to you experience life as you do? - helps you find new answers to many more. Helpful questions elevate curiosity and wonder over fear and doubt. They guide us when stepping into life-changing unknowns. Don't they?


I’ve been a sounding board, critical friend, coach, mentor, facilitator, and counsellor to thousands of people for over 30+ years now. Main lesson learnt? It’s not what I know that helps most, more the questions I ask.