"They are previously unconsidered configurations of thought that just appear in consciousness, as if from nowhere."

My friend, there's a ton of clothes in this trunk.

What if a way to create a context for this (and I am a kaleidoscopic kinesthetic learner) is that we live in a flow of possibilities, apparently unannounced (most often) though hammering away for attention. As in the moment's dream when you miss a step and jerk awake to your foot vibrating. I have no data to suggest otherwise, nor do I need to search for, explain, defend or rationalize this. Like breathing, love or the moment's transcendence of a lightning bolt.

The less I look for/push for insight, the more it smiles on me. It's not percentifiable (let that roll off your tongue), bows to no master, is lovely and full of grace.

I do know, absolutely, that non-directed curiosity and a complete willingness to accept love (remember our conversations on the Bench about this) create a tidy little welcome mat. Always.

Let's Zoom some time soon. Whattya say?



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What a lovely observation so eloquent put Mac.

My “flow of possibilities” on the let’s Zoom front says just say when!

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Hi, Roger.

Any time Wednesday works for me . . . . . . . .

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